Global Water Intelligence Events Terms and Conditions
- General
The terms and conditions of delegates and participants of the Global Water Summit ( are outlined below (“Terms”). These Terms, their subject matter, and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law. We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales
These terms were most recently updated on: 28th February 2025. The only update was to the Award Voting process to ensure transparency in the allocated votes.
1.1 About us
1.1.1 The Global Water Summit event (‘Event’) has been developed by, and is the property of the Media Analytics Limited group of companies (“GWI”, “we”, “us”) as detailed below.
a) Holding company and main office (UK)
Media Analytics Limited
Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 04412085
Registered Office: Kingsmead House, Suite C, Oxpens Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1XX
VAT Number: 799 920359
b) Fully owned subsidiaries:
American Water Intelligence Inc (USA)
Registered in the state of Texas, US Federal Tax ID Number: 27-3460611
Global Water Intelligence (Shanghai) Limited: 上海寰水商务咨询有限公司
Company Registration Number: 91310000MA1FP6D75R
1.2 Contacting Us
1.2.1 You can contact us by:
a) Telephoning +44 (0) 1865 204208
b) Emailing us at
c) Writing to us at our registered office address above.
1.2.2 If you are a delegate, or have expressed interest in attending our Event, and we need to contact you, we will do so by telephone, email or post using the details provided to us by you when you registered.
1.3 What’s in These Terms
1.3.1 These Terms tell you the rules when you register or participate in our Event.
1.4 Acceptance of Terms and Privacy Policy
1.4.1 By participating in our Event, you confirm that you accept these Terms and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms, you should not participate in our Event. We recommend that you print a copy of these Terms for future reference.
1.4.2 Please be aware that our Privacy Policy (which sets out information about how we collect and use personal information and how we use cookies on our Websites) also applies to your participation in our Event and to information you provide when registering attendance. We will only use your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy.
1.5 Changes to Terms
1.5.1 We have the right to revise and amend these Terms from time to time to reflect changes in market conditions affecting our business, changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements and changes in our system’s capabilities.
1.5.2 Delegates and other Event participants will be notified by email of any changes to the Terms and Conditions where they are applicable to them, and they will also be updated on the website.
1.6 Changes to the Event Agenda and Speakers
1.6.1 The agenda and speakers for the Event are subject to change at the organiser’s discretion.
1.7 Limitation of Loss and Indemnity
1.7.1 Nothing in these Terms limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for:
a) death or personal injury caused by negligence; and
b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
1.7.2 Subject to clause 1.7.1, we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with:
a) use of or reliance on any information shared prior, during or after the Event. For the avoidance of doubt, information includes presentations, roundtable or panel discussions provided by GWI or an attendee at the Event.
b) Visa acceptance, see clause 2.4.
1.8 Entire Agreement
1.8.1 These Terms, along with any other registration form, is the entire agreement between you and us in relation to its subject matter. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation or assurance or warranty that is not set out in these Terms.
1.9 Assignment and Transfer
1.9.1 We may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another entity.
1.9.2 You may only assign or transfer your rights or your obligations under these Terms to another person if we agree in writing.
1.10 Waiver
1.10.1 If we do not insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you or that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive any rights, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any right related to any later default by you.
1.11 Severance
1.11.1 Each paragraph of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them is unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
1.12 Third Party Rights
1.12.1 This agreement is between you and us. No other person has any rights to enforce any of its terms.
1.13 Events Outside Of Our Control
1.13.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any obligations under these Terms that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control.
2. Attending our Event as a Delegate
2.1 Registration
2.1.1 Delegates can register their attendance via our website whereby you will be required to submit a form with your details. If you are registering on behalf of someone else in your company, you acknowledge that you have the right to submit the required information to register the delegate’s place.
2.1.2 Attendance is on a first come first serve basis. Anyone over the age of 18 may attend, however we reserve the right to limit or deny access to the Event to any entity or individual.
2.1.3 We reserve the right to stop accepting registrations at any time if we have reached the capacity of the venue.
2.1.4 Passes: there is the option to purchase a 3-Day Pass or a 2-Day Pass. 3-Day Passes give you access to Day 0 of the Event. This offers flexibility to attend workshops hosted on Day 0 and begin networking with others attending on Day 0. All workshops operate on a first come first served basis. We reserve the right to alter the times or agenda of the Day 0 workshops should this be required. A 3-Day Pass also gives you access to Days 1 and 2 of the Event. 2-Day Passes give you access to Days 1 and 2 of the Event only.
2.1.5 We also offer a VIP Pass and 1-Day Pass at our discretion. 1-Day Passes are for Day 0 of the Event to grant entry to our selected Workshop. 1-Day Passes are designed for those not attending the full Event. To enquire about the VIP Pass or the 1-Day Pass, contact
2.2 Payment
2.2.1 Payment must be made online via or by contacting Event Support at to inquire about alternative payment options. Alternative payment options may be permitted at our sole discretion and may require you to complete payment via the online platform.
2.2.2 Payments are required at the time of purchase or upon receipt of an invoice. To confirm your registration for the Event, payment must be received no later than 30 days prior to the Event start date. For registrations made within 30 days of the Event start date, payment is required immediately.
2.2.3 We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to offer Early Bird rates before standard pricing is implemented. These rates are available for a limited period, and all deadlines for such offers are strictly enforced and non-extendable. Additional group discounts may also be offered, subject to our sole discretion.
2.3 Travel Arrangements
2.3.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, travel arrangements are your responsibility.
2.3.2 Where GWI makes available discounted hotel accommodation, this is your responsibility to book and GWI does not guarantee sufficient rooms for all delegates. Availability will be on a first come first served basis.
2.4 Visa Support
2.4.1 Should you require visa support in order to organise your travel arrangements, you may contact requesting a visa support letter. You must be able to provide proof of payment for your attendance. Without proof of payment, GWI cannot issue you a visa support letter.
2.4.2 A visa support letter will be issued within 3 working days of GWI receiving your passport scan and an embassy address. Please follow the instructions we provide upon your request for a visa support letter to securely share this information with us.
2.4.3 We do not take any responsibility for a declined visa. It is your responsibility to consider the timings between booking attendance to the Event and receiving a visa. We will not refund past the refund deadline (see clause 2.8) if your visa is declined, or you are unable to get an appointment in time. You may, however, transfer your booking to someone else in your company, or to next year’s Event.
2.5 Name Badges
2.5.1 We will provide a name badge for you to wear at the Event. Your name badge will contain your name, job title and associated company displayed as we received in your registration application with the exceptions outlined in 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 below. You will be contacted closer to the Event date to ensure this information is still accurate. It is your responsibility to ensure the information you provide is accurate.
2.5.2 We reserve the right to shorten job titles if required, for example ‘Senior’ may become ‘Sr’.
2.5.3 We do not include company corporate structure types on name badges. For example, ‘Ltd’ or ‘Limited’ and ‘PLC’ or ‘Public Limited Company’.
2.5.4 You may request a preferred name and job title to be used on the badge by getting in touch with We will try to update your name badge, but this cannot be guaranteed.
2.6 Event App
2.6.1 We make an Event app available for all our delegates to maximise your time at the Event. The app is designed to support you in networking and planning which sessions you would like to attend.
2.6.2 You will be registered to the app as per our Privacy Policy.
2.6.3 After we have notified you that the app has been released or you have registered your attendance (whichever is last), app access may take up to 3 working days. You will receive an email outlining how to log in for the first time and information on how to use the app.
2.6.4 All attendees will have access to the app, unless you choose to opt-out in writing by contacting
2.7 Code of Conduct
2.7.1 We are committed to providing a safe and professional environment for likeminded individuals to network and connect in the water industry. We expect all our attendees and Event staff, no matter their form of participation, to uphold our commitment to diversity and inclusion by supporting us in providing a positive Event environment for everyone.
2.7.2 By attending our Event you agree:
a) To treat all attendees and Event staff with respect, supporting the inclusive and professional environment.
b) To value a diversity of views and opinions by communicating openly with respect for others.
c) Not to discriminate, harass or intimidate, verbally or physically, any attendee based on gender, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, age, religion, national origin, or any other characteristics.
2.8 Safety Protocols
2.8.1 There are currently no country-level protocols in place at the location of the Event. We will closely monitor all conditions related to Coronavirus protocols and will inform you of any new protocols you are required to follow at the Event. As a condition of participation, you agree you will follow these protocols. Should you fail to observe any of the protocols, you may not be permitted entry to the Event and will not be eligible to a refund.
2.9 Cancelling or Transferring Your Delegate Place
2.9.1 Cancellation: If a delegate is unable to attend the Event and does not wish to transfer their registration to a colleague (as outlined in clause 2.9.2), they may be eligible for a full or partial refund. Cancellations are permitted up to 30 days prior to the Event start date. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of £150 / $200 per registration. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received within 30 days of the Event start date.
2.9.2 Transfer: Delegates may transfer their registration to a colleague if unforeseen circumstances prevent them from attending the Event. Registrations cannot be transferred to a future event in cases where non-attendance is not attributable to GWI.
2.10 Money Back Guarantee
2.10.1 If you are a delegate attending the Event for the first time and you are not completely satisfied with our Event, please notify us in writing within 15 days of the Event and we will refund 100% of your registration fee. This guarantee excludes VIP Passes.
2.10.2 If you do not meet the criteria set out in 2.10.1, we welcome your feedback, in writing, within 15 days of the Event, should you not be completely satisfied with our Event. Full or partial refunds are strictly at our discretion.
3. Awards submissions and nominations
3.1 This section 3 of the T&Cs outlines how you can be involved in the Global Water Awards.
3.2 The Event hosts the Global Water Awards to recognise the most important achievements in the international water industry within several categories, and reward those initiatives in the water, wastewater and desalination sectors that are moving the industry forward through improved operating performance, innovative technology adoption, sustainable financial models and delivery of social and environmental benefits.
3.3 Award Submissions and Nominations
3.3.1 Anyone (as an individual or on behalf of a company) can nominate a company, project, plant, technology, deal or initiative. This can be for themselves or others. Individuals can nominate in as many categories as they want, and nominate multiple times in each category.
3.3.2 All nominee applications are made on a confidential basis and you retain full ownership of the information provided. Full submissions will be shared with the GWI panel to select a shortlist and with the GWI Executive team. Information you submit may be used by GWI for GWI Executive research.
3.3.3 By submitting a nomination, you acknowledge you are authorised and have the relevant permissions to share such information, have provided accurate and up-to-date information, and allow us to use the information for GWI Executive. You should not submit information you do not wish us to publish.
3.3.4 Nominations can only be submitted via the awards nomination forms (visit the ‘Nominations Hub’ at Submissions via email will not be acknowledged. If you have difficulties accessing the nomination forms, please contact
3.3.5 Nominations must be submitted in English.
3.3.6 You should not nominate the same plant/project/company multiple times in the same category, this will not increase your chances of being included in the shortlist. Nominating two different projects/plants in the same category, or nominating different projects/plants in different categories is accepted.
3.3.7 Nominations must follow the criteria and guidelines outlined on the Global Water Awards nomination page ( Submissions not following the criteria will not be eligible.
3.3.8 Shortlisting: nomination shortlisting begins after nominations have closed. The shortlisting panel is formed of independent experts who are not commercially linked to or associated with any of the companies or projects nominated, or to the sponsors. The shortlist is announced in GWI Executive and online.
3.3.9 If you are shortlisted, you agree you will support us with requested project photos and/or logos which will be used on the evening the awards are announced and presented at the Event. You retain full ownership of all submitted documents and photos. We will seek permission from you to use any photos or logos you provide for any other purposes.
3.3.10 Once shortlisting has been announced, voting will open (see clause 3.4). Winners will be announced and presented during the Event at the dedicated Awards evening.
3.4 Award Voting
3.4.1 Votes are casted using a unique URL which will be distributed via email to the following eligible parties once voting opens:
a) Members of GWI Executive
b) Members of the Water Desalination Report (WDR)
c) Members of GWI WaterData
d) Members of GWI DesalData
e) Members of the UK Water Report
A member is a named person that receives access to a GWI publication for a minimum term of one (1) year.
3.4.2 Voting can be made once. Each person, up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) votes, receives one (1) vote per category.
3.4.3 Belonging to more than one of the eligible parties (see clause 3.4.1) does not result in more voting power. Votes are always limited to one (1) vote per person, per category, up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) voters.
3.4.4 The number of votes you receive depends on your paid membership, as outlined a) to e) below. The number of votes cannot be combined across a) to e) below – your membership with the highest number of votes determines the number of votes you receive.
a) UK Water Report Individual licence, or GWI DesalData Single licence: 5 votes
b) GWI Executive, or WDR, or UK Water Report Corporate licence, or GWI DesalData Multi licence: 10 votes
c) WDR Bronze or higher, or WaterData: 25 votes
d) GWI Executive Bronze or higher: 50 votes
e) GWI Executive Bronze or higher, and WaterData: 75 votes
3.4.5 If you would like to upgrade to the maximum seventy-five (75) votes, you may reach out to your Account Manager to discuss an upgrade.
3.4.6 A GWI Executive Global Licence Membership and all WaterData Memberships, no matter how many named members it has, is restricted to seventy-five (75) voters. This is to eliminate unfair advantages for the largest companies.
3.4.7 No single company is eligible for more than seventy-five (75) votes.
3.4.8 For 3.4.4 a) and b), where you have less than the available number of members on your Licence, each member will receive a personalised voting link. For example, if you have 3 members out of the 5 available members, the 3 members will receive a personalised voting link. You may obtain the additional votes by reaching out to and adding more members to your membership. We cannot amend who received the voting link once it has been sent.
3.4.9 All other voting is via a unique link which is shared with all readers/users. The link will contain a set number of votes for the Licence Membership. If you hold a Membership with more than seventy-five (75) members, you may request the link to be sent to a nominated person by reaching out to your Account Manager. It is your responsibility to request this and to then distribute the link between 75 individuals on your Licence.
3.4.10 It is your responsibility to ensure your company is aware of these voting rules.