Uwe Seebacher, PhD in Economics and Business Administration, is running the global marketing and communications activities for the pumps global division segment of the ANDRITZ Group, headquartered in Graz, Austria.
Dr. Seebacher’s experience includes over 20 years in the manufacturing, energy and services industry. with an international track record in strategic and operational marketing and communication as well as organisational development. He is a lecturer at many highly recognised business schools and universities, and has authored articles in many leading management publications, for example, “Marketing Resource Management” (Springer New York), “Strategic Workforce Management” (Harvard Business Manager) and “Cyber Commerce Reframing” (Harvard Business Manager). For his innovative marketing concepts and initiatives, such as those with Allianz, the European Union, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Bayer Leverkusen, and BASF, he has received various awards, like the Diskobolos Innovation Award from the European Chamber of Commerce, and the Export Award 2016 from the Federal Austrian Chamber of Commerce.
Day 1: Monday 16th April 2018
16:00 – 17:30 – Digital – Smart Solutions Platform