Mathieu de Kervenoael
Since 2016, Mathieu has been heading Strategic Development & Marketing for Suez’ Water & Waste Treatment Infrastructure global business.
His main duties consist in supporting & challenging the 20 or so regional business development teams of Suez in identifying, qualifying & developing the treatment infrastructure project opportunities; in developing strategic relationships with global stakeholders and continuously adapting global strategy & innovation in Water & Waste Treatment Infrastructure to market needs.
Previously, he was the CFO of the Water Treatment Infra business when Degrémont transformed into a global business line of Suez, mid-2012.
Overall Mathieu fulfilled multiple assignments within Suez over the past 25 years, predominantly developing business & innovation, but also assuming responsibilities in Operations management or in the Finance discipline.
In particular, Mathieu worked for BU Water France, managing the field operations of the Bordeaux’ water & wastewater concession, then developing the renewable energy business at country level (in particular, thermal energy & biogas from wastewater). Earlier, in late 1990s and early 2000s he developed international water business in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa & USA, including a 3-year assignment in Manila for the BU Asia; and contributed to the business streamlining of BU North America with a 4-year assignment in New York.
Mathieu holds the Business Administration Master degree of HEC Paris and of the Community European Management Schools, which included semester exchanges with the Haas Business School – University of California at Berkeley, and the Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna. He is a former navigation Officer of the French Navy.
Mathieu is an active member of the International Water Association and of the International Solid Waste Association.
Day 2: Tuesday 17th April 2018
14:00 – 15:30 – Finance – Perfecting Procurement