María Masa

Senior Technologist in Water Treatments, REPSOL

María Masa

Senior Technologist in Water Treatments, REPSOL


María Masa is a Senior Technologist in Water Treatments at REPSOL.

María is a master degree chemical engineer with postgraduate studies in petrochemistry. Throughout her professional career she has accumulated more than five years of work in industrial sites: both petrochemical and refineries, always involved in wastewater treatment plants and water resources, mainly in the improvement of existing processes and the installation of new units. She has participated in the start-up of new solid removal facilities, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, several oxidation technologies, and different biological systems.

María currently works at the Repsol Technology Center, where she leads the water technology team, which seeks present and future technical solutions for the whole company’s water resources. This team also provides technical advice on aspects such as corporate environmental strategy and future challenges.


Day 1: Monday 16th April 2018

14:00 – 15:30 – Industry – Industry Focus Session: Oil and Gas