The white paper Investing in a Water-Secure Future published by Global Water Intelligence last year, forecasts just this. Missing the UN’s 1.5°C target for global warming will unleash a massive increase in severe climate change impacts. A commensurate increase in water security investment becomes imperative.
However, needing investment and money changing hands are not the same thing.
GWS 2024 initiated the conversation. GWS 2025, with its theme of “Accelerating Investment,” will advance this dialogue by transforming engagement into action and focusing on the development of critical water ecosystems and economies.
The Global Water Summit has always been about connecting water and finance. Taking place in Paris, 12 – 14 May, 2025, this role is more crucial than ever. Join over 1,000 senior water executives, utility leaders, and finance authorities as we redefine the commercial platform for the global water industry.
The findings of this white paper suggest that water security is set to become the biggest global investment theme over the next 10 years.
This white paper will tackle the important questions: