The Global Water Summit: a category killer

The Global Water Summit is the flagship water sector event of the year, renowned for its industry-leading agenda and the high concentration of water sector executives that attend each year. It is an unmatched networking and strategy development opportunity for our executive-level attendees, but we don’t just want the Global Water Summit to be the greatest annual event in the international water industry, we want it to be the best in every category of water event:

Water Finance

When we launched the Global Water Summit 16 years ago, talking about money was almost taboo. We took the view that if this industry was ever going to grow, water and money would have to find a place to meet and the conversation has been growing ever since.

Water Project

We aim to showcase water and wastewater projects with a combined value of $100 billion at the Global Water Summit. It means that whatever your place in the supply chain there is nowhere in the world you can go for two days and get a better ROI.

Water Strategy

Global Water Intelligence is the house journal of the C-Suite of the water industry. The discussion comes to life at the Global Water Summit. It is where we bring together the people who matter most to discuss the issues that matter most.

Water Technology

Three things make the Global Water Summit stand out as the premiere event for water technology: the unparalleled global expertise we bring to selecting technologies to present, the space we give to the voice of the customer in framing technology needs, and the audience of investors, utility leaders, corporate water users and senior executives from across the supply chain.

Utility Innovation

Through hosting the Leading Utilities of the World initiative at the Summit we have created a unique global platform for sharing experience from the top global performers in the water sector. It is an inspiration for all.

Corporate Water Strategy

Businesses are under growing pressure to do better with water, and there are plenty of venues which discuss this. The Global Water Summit is the only one which provides the practical solutions.

Wastewater and the Circular Economy

This is the sector of the water industry which is changing fastest in terms of technologies, business models, investment and opportunity. The Global Water Summit has the most compelling agenda for the sector.

Desalination and Water Reuse

Unconventional water resources have been at the heart of Global Water Intelligence’s coverage for nearly two decades. No one has the knowledge or connections to put on a better event for the desalination and reuse community.

Digital Water

It is not enough to be bullish about water’s digital future. We have to address the realities of water’s digital present. They are not pleasant. But we are committed to using the Global Water Summit to change that. Join us in making it work.

Water and Climate Change

Adaptation to the growing extremes of floods and droughts is perhaps the greatest water challenge of the age. At this year’s Global Water Summit we bring together water leaders from the frontiers of climate change and the innovators who have the solutions

SDG6 for Water and Sanitation

We need to double the level of investment in water and wastewater services in three years if we are to meet the 2030 target for access to safe water and sanitation. Delivering a strategy for doing that is the challenge we have set for this year’s summit, and all the key players will be there to meet it.